Yolandi Boshoff

starseed evolution

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Yolandi Boshoff is a Dragon Priestess, Starseed, Spiritual Guide, Author and Energy Alchemist. She has a passion for travel, exploration, sacred sites and spiritual adventure. She discovered her gift for energetic connection whilst working with the Akashic Records and activating DNA for her clients. Through this deep remembering, she started connecting with Star Beings, Light Language and the ancient energies of the Great Mother and the Dragons.  She now helps clients from more than 40 countries across the globe to remember their own ancient connections and purpose. She also channels the energies of the Great Mother by visiting ancient sacred sites around the world and works extensively with the energies of the Elemental and Cosmic Dragons. You can find out more information about her offerings, podcasts, books and interviews on [www.divinesoul.me](http://www.divinesoul.me ) If you are interested in joining the Project Earthwork collective to promote gridwork and connection with Mother Gaia please visit [www.projectearthwork.org](http://www.projectearthwork.org ) – this is a project Yolandi runs with two of her closest friends.

Yolandi’s Free Gift To You: A meditation to help you re-member your own connection to the cosmos and the Star beings.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift.