Susana Khan

Your Eyes : Windows to Health and Consciousness

Susana’s Interview is now available.


Susana Khan is the creator of Heal.Stream, a decentralized health tech platform. With AI and cutting-edge technologies, Heal.Stream’s first POC focuses on Oculomics to identify retinal biomarkers of systemic disease. Several other use-cases are in the works, including quantum biology research and decentralized studies to pioneer a new Modern Integrated Natural Medicine (MINM). She also co-founded Elevated Coherence, a joint practice with her mother, Isbelia Reyes, Ph.D., a microbiologist who has spent the last 15 years training and developing her own holistic practices that explore quantum biology through healing and heightened human potential. Susana Khan's journey into the holistic world began early in life, with a childhood that focused on nature, biology and spirituality. She would go on to pursue studies in biopharmaceutical science before switching majors to a social science degree in International Development and Globalization, and Law. Her graduate courses in international law cemented her view of a need for adequate systems that work for the benefit of populations and natural ecosystems. Many first-hand experiences strengthened the belief that non-invasive and natural at-home therapies, which empower people to live a healthier and more bountiful life are in fact a human right. Keeping with her interest in cutting edge science and natural medicines she trained for her Bio-Well certification with Dr. Korotkov in 2017 as part of a joint congress with the Human Light Institute led by Dr. Avdeev. Susana is currently completing her studies at Quantum University for Integrative Medicine (IQUIM) to obtain her Ph.D. in Natural Medicine.

Susana’s Free Gift To You: Viewers will be able to provided a guide and link to set up a TAPP Micropay Wallet to use on all TAPP Micropay-abled sites.  The first 1000 viewers to sign up and set up their free TAPP MicroPay Wallet will receive a bonus gift of 5$ to spend in their Micropay Wallet.  

Viewers will also be able to download two e-book guides : 

(1) Oculomics & Modern Integrated Natural Medicine (MINM) : Guide on the field of Oculomics and how the new Modern Integrated Natural Medicine can utilize this field to validate its protocols. 

(2) Pro-Consciousness Medicine and Quanta Vision : The convergence of Pro-Consciousness Medicine and Vision Quanta's ability to aid a person's perception, intuition, connection and seeing beyond the physical eyes.

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