Sherry Mosley

your multidimensional self with akashic enlightenment

Sherry’s Interview is now available.


Sherry Mosley, MSOM, CSP is a renowned and greatly appreciated international practitioner, teacher and author of alternative health and spirituality. With her internationally popular sellers Akashic Enlightenment, Akashic Records & Book of Truth for Divine Knowledge, Healing, & Ascension and Origins of Humanity she has brought life changing deep and powerful spiritual awakening and healing to many. Her clients give rave reviews of receiving clarity on life situations and feeling immediately lighter and totally rebirthed from years, or even a lifetime, of debilitating life and health situations. She is a powerful intuitive from a shamanic psychic medium lineage and is clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairalient. She has a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine, is a certified Shamanic Healing Practitioner and Counselor, Akashic Enlightenment Practitioner, and Reiki Master. She uses the Akashic Enlightenment field accessing the Akashic Records and Book of Truth (multi-universal and multi-dimensional Knowledge) for all of her sessions and teachings, speaks Light Language, and works with Aqualorian Crystalline Light Healing after meeting these angelic level interdimensional beings in Mount Shasta California. Seeing herself as a conduit for Spirit, her profound sessions and teachings focus on awakening to a higher state of being, realigning with one’s True Self and back to a life of following higher guidance, outside of ego and healing the spiritual root causing most dis-ease and disharmony in life. This awakening and deeper awareness of being is essential to healing, living a better quality life, and is necessary for humanity.

Sherry’s Free Gift To You: A 3 session series recorded live at the powerful vortex Mount Shasta during a time when powerful new energy is coming to our New Earth. Theses sessions help you come into alignment on many levels of well being combined with the Aqualorian Crystalline Light Healing with the new frequencies at Mount Shasta. These sessions will assist you in felling better with your overall health and wellbeing, your connection to wealth and abundance, and your relationship wellness and consciousness.

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