Nadi Hana

Activating Your Multidimensional Consciousness with Sacred Geometry

Nadi’s Interview is now available.


Nadi Hana was an inspiring instructor, presenter, energy healer, and artist.  Her professional and spiritual practices were dedicated to the expansion of our multidimensional consciousness.  As a practitioner of personal transformation for nearly 25 years, she had cultivated a broad spectrum of skills and abilities to support our individual and collective awakening. Nadi achieved her Masters Degree as an LCSW and worked as a psychotherapist for over 10 years.  Her ability to support non-consensus reality experiences of all origins; psychotic episodes, psychedelic activation, psychic, interdimensional and paranormal phenomena, create a safe environment for people to experience transformation. Combining her spiritual knowledge and therapeutic training, she offered individual sessions, groups and classes studying the esoteric and non-ordinary aspects of awakening consciousness. She was passionate about sharing the transformational capacity of Sacred Geometry and the fundamental principles of unity consciousness. Nadi was a transition specialist of planetary service, committed to the evolutionary process of humanity by accessing our full potential as multidimensional beings.

Nadi’s Free Gift To You: Enjoy my Overview Video of Sacred Geometry! Sacred geometry is the study of harmonic patterns that underlie and create the world around us. It literally provides the access codes for unlocking infinite sources of intelligence on both individual and universal scales. These beautiful and basic geometric shapes have the power to align our subtle energy body into coherent states of harmony. The transformational power of Sacred Geometry is extraordinary.  I will spend some time identifying these universal patterns and how they are infinitely evident.

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