Erika Maizi

Discover and fulfill your Soul Purpose with the Bereginis (Slavic Goddesses) and your unique Soul Tree Horoscope

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Erika Maizi is a Siberian Shamanic Practicioner, Slavic Astrology Guide, Soul based Coach, Visionary Artist, Author and Speaker. She loves to facilitate Soul Tree Horoscope Readings, fairy tales, sacred embroidery and Siberian Shamanic Journeys to pass on her wisdom about Slavic and Germanic Runes, sacred symbols and feminine indigenous wisdom.

Erika’s Free Gift To You: 27 Beregini / Goddess Guide - My self-stitched 27 Beregini Symbols are included in my book"The Wyrding Way";">in the back of the book. Their descriptions from German are based on the symbolcards as bought from Olga Bajrami & Irina Haag.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift.