Cynthia Honores

Alchemizing your Inner Cosmos with the Comfort of Cacao

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Cynthia Honores fascination with Alchemy and the Power of the Subconscious realms has been the guiding force behind all of her studies. 

Art History, Mythology, Symbolism, Jungian Depth Psychology, Cosmology, Astrology, Plant Spirit Medicine, Cacao, and the Shamanic Healing Arts ...   Cynthia was born in Perú, but grew up living in many parts of the world, including the Americas, Africa and Europe. She obtained her B.A. in Art History, Mythology and Symbolism from The American University of Paris, France in 1999.  After a 20+ year career working in multi-national galleries in the New York City art world, the year 2020 brought Cynthia the opportunity to reconnect with her Peruvian ancestry and be trained by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Founder of The Four Winds Light Body School, to become a Certified Practitioner of the Andean Shamanic Healing Arts.  In 2021, Cynthia continued her studies in depth psychology via the Centre of Applied Jungian Studies and learned in detail about Jungian Alchemical Healing under the guidance of Dr. Thom Cavalli PhD. Cynthia also obtained her Medicinal Plants certification from Cornell University, and channeled her passion for the alchemical healing power of plant spirit medicine into the study of the heart-opening wisdom of Ceremonial Grade Cacao.  Cynthia completed her Cacao Facilitator Training through KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project. In 2022, following her lifelong passion and study of the Cosmos, Cynthia aligned with the alchemical hermetic teachings of Matthew Kenney at Ancient Astrology and Jocelyn Star Feather at Sacred Planet. 2023 allowed Cynthia the special opportunity to travel to sacred sites in Egypt and Perú with Jocelyn Star Feather, further re-connecting her with the ancient memory of her sacred calling. Today, Cynthia enjoys supporting clients via transformative one-on-one alchemical sessions, and lovingly collaborating with friends in the healing arts to create monthly alchemical New Moon Cosmos, Cacao and Connection Circles via Cynthia’s labor of love, Hathor Cacao. This year 2024, Cynthia is also part of The Mayan Wisdom Journey, a one-year program to deepen her learnings on the Mayan Cosmovision.

Cynthia’s Free Gift To You: Complimentary Entry to our New Moon in Cancer Circle on Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 2pm USEST

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