Amanda Kulbaba,BFA

Heart Alchemy~ The Power of Transformation

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Amanda Kulbaba’s first passion and love was for ballet. She earned her degree, BFA, in Dance at York University before discovering the art of healing. After several injuries and the start of her own healing journey she realized her passion and love for supporting others in their healing work. Amanda’s new adventure opened the doors into the world of energy and possibilities. She has studied and practices as a Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Intuitive, and Spiritual Life Coach. She leads ceremonial events, Shamanic Journeying, Meditation Circles, and Intuitive Courses to help others open and strengthen their own intuitive abilities and envision their highest potentials.

Amanda inspired You Are The Cosmos to create a safe and inspiring place for people to come together and share in the memories of our galactic heritage and remind us we hold the Cosmos within, with all its intelligence. We have never been alone and we are all creating together. We have always been supported, loved, seen and heard. Not only by humanity but by our galactic family. Our journey starts within and we shine our starlight to each other, to Mother Earth, and up to the heavens.

Check out her website ~

Amanda’s Free Gift To You: I am giving away 3 FREE 1:1 Heart Alchemy Sessions! This is for you to transform and break free of limitations and discover your highest potential.

CLICK HERE to submit your application to win one of these sessions..