“We Are Stars Wrapped In Skin - The Light You Are Seeking Has Always Been Within.”~Rumi

Humanity is facing its greatest challenge right now. Feelings of discontent and uncertainty rule a chaotic world.

We sense there Maybe something more to life. That we have the potential for so much more.


But how are we to reclaim our true sense of self?

How do we find our path again amidst the chaos?

The illusions of our old belief systems are crumbling fast. We are seeing the lies from those we thought had our best interests at heart.

We have played small too long. And held ourselves back. We have lost our connections to self and to our Mother Earth. Its time to make our way home.

Do you Hear the call?

The invitation to come home to your divine roots, to your divine self?


Have you been feeling…?

  • The world no longer makes sense

  • Lost, not sure where you belong

  • Powerless to change your situation

  • Seeking a deeper purpose

  • Wanting to make a difference

  • Feeling alone

  • Uncertain of your next step

It is time to go within. And remember we carry the songs and stories of the galaxies and stars.

We hold all the lives we have lived across the Cosmos.

We hold the wisdom of a Master Traveler and Adventurer.

We are Master Co-Creators weaving the threads of destiny with the Great Intelligence.

The song of the Cosmos calls, bringing you out of the dark night of the Soul. And into a remembrance of a multidimensional being of light and creation.

How do you reconnect with this raw wild power of you?

How do you remember your divine abilities?


Journey into the labyrinth of your sacred self. Discover the hidden cosmos and dive deep into your memories of a Master of light and creator.

Together we will take an adventure of exploration in you Are The Cosmos global event with 20 inspiring and empowering wisdomkeepers, shamans, healers, intuitives, and artists.


In this inspirational Global Event you will be invited to:

*Rise up and Reclaim your highest potential

*Realize your true power

*Receive Guidance in remembering your Sacred and Vast Abilities

*Find the light within the dark

*Understand every state of being is sacred

*Realize you belong

*Call in your Divine Nature as a Cosmic Being

*Connect to the Greater Intelligence

In you are the cosmos, you will be called home to the divine heart. you will be given the guidance, tools, and inspiration to support you in reclaiming and remembering your sacred self.

Do you feel the joy of your Cosmic Being?

Are you ready to embrace and dance to its eternal song?

Let us travel and explore together, to reach our highest potential, and expand our inner Cosmos to uplift our World!


Meet Our Speakers

Amanda Kulbaba, BFA

Amanda is a Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. She leads ceremonial events, Shamanic Journeying, Meditation Circles, and Intuitive Courses.

Heart Alchemy: The Power of Transformation

Rita Hraiz

Rita is a teacher of various ancient wisdom traditions including Ageless Wisdom, Solar Philosophy, Shamanism, and Esoteric Psychology. She leads transformative Dharmakaya Retreats worldwide.

Initiation Explored: Connecting with Your Eternal Self's Light, Love, and Wisdom

Patricia Cota Robles

Patricia is an internationally known teacher and cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization Era of Peace which sponsors her work and the Annual World Congress on Illumination.   

We Are Moving Forward In The Light    


Susana Khan

Susana is the creator of Heal.Stream, a decentralized health tech platform. With AI and cutting-edge technologies, Heal.Stream’s first POC focuses on Oculomics to identify retinal biomarkers of systemic disease. She also co-founded Elevated Coherence, a joint practice with her mother, Isbelia Reyes, Ph.D., a microbiologist who has spent the last 15 years training and developing her own holistic practices that explore quantum biology through healing and heightened human potential.

Your Eyes : Windows to Health and Consciousness

Dr. John Ryan, MD

Dr. Ryan is a Professor of Medicine & Practitioner of Energy & Consciousness based Medicine. 

The 24th Chromosome - Humanity's Gateway to Sacred Understanding and Power

Taylor Norris, M.S

Taylor is a Holy Fire III/World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master and passionate Certified Galactic Astrology Soul Reading / Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner.

Discover Your Soul Origin, Gifts & Talents with Galactic Astrology & Reiki


Nadi Hana

Nadi was a inspiring instructor, presenter, energy healer, and artist.  Her professional and spiritual practices are dedicated to the expansion of our multidimensional consciousness.

Activating Your Multidimensional Consciousness with Sacred Geometry

Nina Khoo

Highly Sensitive, Creative Visionary, Mother, Guide & champion of all women called to step into their roles as sensitive change agents for our World.

Why Highly Sensitive Women Can Lead the World to a Better Place

Merissa Indigo

Merissa is a blue ray Indigo Sapphire light technician. Her background ranges from energy medicine, quantum mechanics, Ayurveda, grid work, oracle transmissions and galactic elemental shamanism activated from her travels around the globe to receive codes from medicine elders and sacred sites.

Trinity Heart Gateway of Divine Soul, Gaia & Solaris


Kedar Brown

Kedar is the founder and director of Rites of Passage Council, an organization offering nature immersion ceremonial encampments around the world. He is an internationally known ceremonialist, healer, intuitive and teacher of psychological and spiritual awareness with over thirty-five years of professional experience.

Initiation Into the Bone Memories Personal Medicine

Zahra Indigo Rønlov, MA

Zahra received her master's degree in ecopsychology from Naropa University and is a Master Certified Professional Life Coach. She is a Sufi initiate and a Minister of Walking Prayer. As a Priestess of the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at, she serves Truth in every way she is able to perceive it. With an endless entrepreneurial spirit, she owns and operates Sacred Witness LLC, the parent company for Blue Lotus Alchemy

Be A Sacred Witness

Diandra Persaud

Diandra is the founder of Pranic Traditions, she is a Business Consultant by trade and a classically trained Kathak Dancer and Hindustani Vocalist.  Diandra's personal health journey with complex chronic illnesses inspired her to pursue a Masters Degree in Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine and open a studio office in Downtown Whitby.

Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha - Sanskrit: ज्योतिष) - The Karma in Your Stars


Dr. Nicola Amadora, PhD

Dr. Amadora is a spiritual teacher, psychologist, women's leader, author, and speaker. She is the founder of Living Connection and The Deep Feminine Way. Nicola leads retreats worldwide.

Live The Great Turning

Yolandi Boshoff

Yolandi is a Dragon Priestess, Starseed, Spiritual Guide, Author and Energy Alchemist. She has a passion for travel, exploration, sacred sites and spiritual adventure.

Starseed Evolution

Darren Austin Hall

Darren is a spiritual teacher, sound channeler, mystical musician, author, poet and ecstatic dance DJ/facilitator. He is the creator of the Source Resonance Academy devoted to leading sound healing training retreats, intensives and workshops around the world.

Sacred Sexuality & Devotional Embodiment


Cynthia Honores, BA

Cynthia has obtained her B.A. in Art History, Mythology and Symbolism from The American University of Paris, France in 1999. She has studied Jungian Depth Psychology, Cosmology, Astrology, Plant Spirit Medicine, Cacao, and the Shamanic Healing Arts. Cynthia completed her Cacao Facilitator Training through KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project.

Alchemizing your Inner Cosmos with the Comfort of Cacao

Erika Maizi

Erika is a Siberian Shamanic Practicioner, Slavic Astrology Guide, Soul based Coach, Visionary Artist, Author and Speaker. She loves to facilitate Soul Tree Horoscope Readings, fairy tales, sacred embroidery and Siberian Shamanic Journeys to pass on her wisdom about Slavic and Germanic Runes, sacred symbols and feminine indigenous wisdom.

Discover and fulfill your Soul Purpose with the Bereginis (Slavic Goddesses) and your unique Soul Tree Horoscope

Q’orianka Cornejo

Q’orianka is an Incan High Priestess, Medicine Woman, and Sacred Guide for rising Medicine Women who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence. She is also a Cacao, Rose, and Flowers Priestess & Medicine Woman, a certified Reiki Master, and a former Registered Nurse.  

The Return of the Medicine Woman


Sherry Mosley, MSOM, CSP

Sherry is a renowned and greatly appreciated international practitioner, teacher and author of alternative health and spirituality.

Your Multidimensional Self With Akashic Enlightenment

Dr. Amit Goswami, PhD

Dr. Goswami is a Professor, researcher, bestselling author, Quantum Science Pioneer, and spiritual practitioner. 

The Return of the Archetypes

Dr. Valentina R. Onisor, MD

Dr. Onisor is a practicing physician, a pioneer of quantum integrative medicine, specialized in Family Medicine.



Jeanette Annecchini

Jeanette, also known as "Jin," is a certified Alkaline Health Coach, certified Clinical Iridologist, Detoxification Specialist, and Usui Holy Fire Second Degree Reiki Practitioner.

Harnessing the Healing Power Within: Mastering Self-Healing Through Simplicity is Your Birthright


Meet Your Host & Creator Of You Are The Cosmos Global Event


Amanda Kulbaba, BFA

Amanda’s first passion and love was for ballet. She earned her degree, BFA, in Dance at York University before discovering the art of healing. After several injuries and the start of her own healing journey she realized her passion and love for supporting others in their healing work. Amanda’s new adventure opened the doors into the world of energy and possibilities. She has studied and practices as a Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Intuitive and Spiritual Life Coach. She leads ceremonial events, Shamanic Journeying, Meditation Circles, and Intuitive Courses to help others open and strengthen their own intuitive abilities and envision their highest potentials.

Amanda inspired You Are The Cosmos to create a safe and inspiring place for people to come together and share in the memories of our galactic heritage and remind us we hold the Cosmos within, with all its intelligence. We have never been alone and we are all creating together. We have always been supported, loved, seen and heard. Not only by humanity but by our galactic family. Our journey starts within and we shine our starlight to each other, to Mother Earth, and up to the heavens.


May You find the joy and wonder of your being and celebrate your magnificence

~Love Amanda